Yamaha jog fs solgt Yamaha jog fs solgt Yamaha jog fs solgt Yamaha jog fs solgt Yamaha jog fs solgt

Mike L h

Mand, 93 år, Storkøbenhavn
Oprettet: 24. sep 2008
Offline - Senest online: 3. feb 2015 Bruger er på filterliste

You say Justin Bieber-I say Tupac

You say Lil Wayne-I say Biggie Smalls

You say Drake-I say Ice Cube

You say Soulja Boy-I say Rakim

You say New school-i say shut the fuck up

You say Pop-I scream Hip Hop!

You say Hannah Montana-i fucking punch you in the face

92% of teenagers have turned to New school and Pop.If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,copy and paste this message to another 5 videos. Don't let the real hip hop die

piaggio new zip

street magic stjålet

piaggio zip gl byttet med new zip.

puch maxi metrakit

puch p1 solgt

2pocket bike solgt

pgo comet solgt i dele.

pgo comet byttet til street magic.

4 ciao solgt

en fz50 solgt i dele

piaggio typhoon solgt

yamah sting solgt.

piaggio zip smadret byttet for squab.

peugeot sqaub byttet til telefon.

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