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Oprettet: 2. dec 2016
Offline - Senest online: 10. sep 2024 Bruger er på filterliste
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Efter 5 år bag tremmer,
har jeg sq fået nok af deres rammer og regler,
De TROR de er nogle flinke mennesker
Lidt fucked up er man da altid :D
I AM..........................
? Smart
? Intelligent
? Nice
? Loving
? Caring
? Dashing
? Adorable
? Marvelous
? Attractive
? Friendly
? Lovely Attitude
? faithful
? ambitious
? sensitive
? silent
? very good in hide emotions
? love to sleep
? full of good qualities
? Responsible
? Exciting to be Around
? Nice Always
? Dependable
?Smiles a Lot
? Friendly Personality
? Outstanding
? Really Great Memories
? Excellent Listener
? Very Kind
? Enjoyable
? Benevolent
? charming
? Dazzling
? dedicated
? Exquisite
? elegant
? Fantastic
? Happy face
? ideal
? Naughty
? Optimistic
? Remarkable
? Thoughtful
? Unique
? Ubiquitous
? Very-Cool
? Wonderful
? Alluring
? Appealing
? Good-looking
? catching
? Striking
? Fascinating
? Seductive
? Sparkling
? Full of life
? Shining
? Vivacious
? Energetic
? turner
? Seductive
? Humorous
? Stunning
? Superb
? Exquisite
? Fabulous
? Excellent
? Exceptional
? Terrific
? Glittering
? Tempting
? Persuasive
? Influential
? Credible
? Likeable
? grabbing
? Impressive
? Marvelous
? Prominent
? Pleasing
? Extraordinary
? Congenial
? Good-natured
? Amazing
? Tremendous
? Elegant
? Fashionable
? Well-groomed
? Stylish
? Chic
? Neat
? Graceful
? Pleasing to Eye
? best
? Honest
? PrecIouS
? Awesome
? Hearted
? Lively
? Funny
? Independent
? l0vnG
? Dedicated
? Mesmerizing
? Optimistic
? Young
? master
? decorator
? Sympathetic
? Athletic
? Warm
? Attentive
? Gallant
? Funny Creative
? Tender Determined
? True
? Dependable
? Passionate
? Love shopping
? honest
? Moody
? Sentimental
? Guides others physically
? mentally Sensitive
? Shy
? Wild
? Strong sense
? sharp Judge people
? Hardworking
? Loves to be alone
? Confident
? Fit
? Liberal
? Open-minded
? Positive
? Romantic
? Sexy
? not talk to much~
~>>WoRds R FiniSheD But StiLl CouLdn’t FUlly DeScribe........................
I mEaN NO WORDS mOre fOr m3......!!!!!
{{galleryView.fieldMake}} & {{galleryView.fieldModel}} | {{galleryView.fieldYear}} | Bedømmelse | Antal stemmer | Oprettet | |
{{gallery.description}} |
{{gallery.year}} | {{gallery.votes}} {{gallery.acceptVotes}} / {{galleryView.requiredAcceptPoints}} | {{gallery.createdPrettyDate}} | ||
Brugeren har ingen gallerier |
Beskrivelse | Oprettet | |
{{album.description}} |
{{album.createdPrettyDate}} | |
Brugeren har ingen fotoalbum |
Beskrivelse | Set | Oprettet | |
{{topic.description}} {{topic.categoryName}} |
{{topic.views}} | {{topic.createdPrettyDate}} | |
Brugeren har ingen forumemner |
{{classifiedView.fieldMake}} & {{classifiedView.fieldModel}} | {{classifiedView.fieldYear}} | Oprettet | Pris | |
{{ad.description}} {{ad.categoryName}} |
{{ad.year}} | {{ad.createdPrettyDate}} | {{ ad | classifiedPriceFilter }} | |
Brugeren har ingen annoncer |
Beskrivelse | Antal synes godt om | Oprettet | |
{{video.description}} |
{{video.likeCount}} | {{video.createdPrettyDate}} | |
Brugeren har ingen videoklip |
Brugerens bedømmelser af andres {{ratings.itemMoreItems}}
Antal stemmer i alt
Ekstra høj
Stemmer: {{ratings.totalCount}}
{{challengeView.itemAnItem}}1 vs {{challengeView.itemAnItem}}2 | Oprettet | ||||
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Vinder! |
I gang Slut |
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Statusbesked | Oprettet | |
{{message.headline}} | {{message.createdPrettyDate}} | |
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