Piaggio NRG mc3 *Byttet* Piaggio NRG mc3 *Byttet* Piaggio NRG mc3 *Byttet* Piaggio NRG mc3 *Byttet* Piaggio NRG mc3 *Byttet*

Jonas J

Mand, 36 år, Fyn
Oprettet: 23. sep 2004
Offline - Senest online: 6. jun 2024 Bruger er på filterliste


Religion, Miracle.

Do you believe in miracles?

-Have you ever seen something which you didn’t think was real?
-Have you ever heard a story, you didn’t think was true?

At birth greather power has influrenced your mind. And saw to it that you could not compriend happenings which are OUT OF THE ORDENERY

Miracles maybe don’t exist in your mind, but they are there FOR SURE.

Now let us introduced a wonder from holly growns. A leader from a religious country, who has seen everything ordinary man can see. He will take us into his domain.

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